شنبه 20 بهمن 1403

14 August 2023

Ayatollah Raeisi: “Today, the Claimants of World’s Leadership, Are the Center to All the Misfortunes and Crimes against Humanity”

“Today, claimants of world’s leadership, are the center to all misfortunes, oppressions, and crimes against humanity” Grand Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi said.

 Ayatollah Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi, this morning, Sunday October 25th, in Congress of 3000 General martyrs in North Khorasan province, which was held in the Resistance Village of Bojnoord, stating that today the biggest depravations, wickedness and crimes, is imposed to nations by Western hegemony, said, “Today, the development of Western civilization is limited only to the industry, and regarding morality and spirituality, still the arrogance temperament reigns the hegemony.”
“According to Islam, human is not only a speaking animal, and human development should be formed in all areas, but the West which claims the advancement, has only grown in the industry, and the result of this one-dimensional growth is seventy years of crimes against the oppressed people of Palestine, World Wars I and II, and the formation of puppet terrorist groups by hegemony” Member of the Supreme Council of Khorasan Seminary stated, saying that today the hegemony introduces the worst wrongdoings as the measurement of civilization.
Board member of the Assembly of Experts, called the hegemony, as the greatest tyrant against the modern human, and with an emphasis on the fact that British Shi’ite and American Sunni made by hegemony, said: “ISIS in no way has the support of religious thinking. This trend is made by Zionism to cause schism, blood shedding and developing the goals of hegemony among Muslims.”
“Today, thanks to the martyrs, and insight building of Imam Khomeini (R.A.) and the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, Islamic Iran, is well-known as the standard-bearer of a civilization based on religious teachings in the world” he said.
“Three thousand martyrs of North Khorasan, following Imam Hussein (A.S.), and the conduct of Imam Sajjad (A.S.) sacrificed themselves to maintain humane values in society” Ayatollah Raeisi expressed, stating that the puppets of hegemonic system are trying to implement the goals of the global hegemony and Zionists.
Grand Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi, stressing that the teachings of Imam Hussein (A.S.) uprising for humanity is dignity, continued, “Ashura is the manifestation of social upheaval, and rises of human society in all eras of history, till the point that monotheism and righteousness-seeking is spread in society and the world.”
Martyrs; Tangible Examples of Dignity
“Our noble martyrs, are the tangible examples of dignity, who due to expressing magnanimity, Almighty God, has granted them the medals of honor and sacrifice” Member of the Assembly of Experts uttered in another part of his speech, explaining the concept of dignity.
“The pillars of the dignity, are God recognition and God seeking, which one is located at the peak in the way that sees only God, and they are ready for the sake of the Almighty God to forget their wealth, honor and life” he stated, introducing the philosophy of sending the Prophet (S.A.W), honoring the human dignity.
“The foundations of political, theological, juridical, and governmental views of Imam Khomeini (R.A.) is summarized in this one sentence, which states, ‘The universe is the God's presence’” Grand Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi commented, recalling Imam Khomeini (R.A.) as a scholar and a role model jurisconsult.
“The key point in the issue of science, learning, becoming scholar, and reaching the peak of human perfection is that remarks, pens, talented souls, and all steps of man to possess the “accurate science” and “good deeds”, and in this way, the scholar would not tell people to go, but to come” he reiterated, pointing out the difference between “lordship” and “leadership”. 
“The key of Imam Khomeini (R.A.), the Supreme Leader, and our high martyrs impact was their position of leadership. They reached the point of human perfection, and reached the summit of knowledge and they invite others to achieve this status” Member of the Supreme Council of Khorasan Seminary continued.
The Union of Universities and Seminaries
“University and seminary students, today, play a crucial role in forming the tomorrow of the Muslim community; and the youths should make efforts to realize the Islamic utopia with the support of jihad and martyrdom culture” Ayatollah Raeisi said, introducing University and seminary students as the future builders of the Islamic government.
He, stating that the sheer learning, if not along with self-improvement and reaching the summit of servitude, is not the manifestation of human growth and transcendence, stated, “The key and success of our great religious figures is that they were connected scholars.”
Grand Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi, in the end, pointing to the need to recount the purpose and destination of the martyrs to the younger generation, said, “The path to the new Islamic civilization, and formation of the religious civility in the world, is going along with lifestyle and conduct of martyrs that causes the progression in all areas as well.”
At the beginning of the Congress, Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Abulghasem Yaqubi, the Supreme Leader’s representative in the North Khorasan province stating that Khorasan provinces although now separated, still consider Razavi Holy Shrine as their center, said, “Holding martyrs’ memorials, means getting new generation closer to the ideals and conduct of yesterday and today’s great martyrs.” 
Bojnoord Congregational Prayer, mentioned the martyrs as the greatest virtue, and pointed out, “Keeping alive the memory and ideals of the martyrs, causes the spread of virtue in the country, and holding martyrs’ memorial, keeps spirit of sacrifice and martyrdom alive in the country forever.”