شنبه 6 مرداد 1403

14 August 2023

The governor of Golestan Province of Iran: Hussaini conduct is the savior of humanity

Hassan Sadeq Lou said: Sireh of Imam Hussain(AS) can save humanity

The governor of Golestan province, Hassan Sadeq lou visited a village named Dar E Kalate. He attended a huge gathering yesterday in the village. The purpose of gathering was to commemorate Imam Hussain (AS) and the battle of Karbala. During his speech he said that almighty Allah has high rewards for those who commemorate Syed ul Shuhada Imam Hussain (AS).
He said that the purpose of Imam Hussain's cause was to stand for justice. Hussaini thought is a savior for humanity. He further said that Imam Hussain (AS) sacrificed his life and everything and taught us the lesson of bravery and never to surrender in front of anyone except almighty Allah.
The battle of Karbala gives us the guidance on how to treat the oppressor and eliminate injustice from society.
He said that the reason of all the issues in the world is injustice, powerful are violating human rights and humiliating people. Hussainiat encourages us to stand against injustice and all the evils.
In the end the governor of Gargan province spoke about the personality of Hazrat Zainab (AS). He said that Hazrat Zainab (AS) preached the message of Imam Hussain (AS), told the world about what happened in Karbala and laid the foundation of commemorating Imam Hussain (AS).