شنبه 6 مرداد 1403

14 August 2023

Iranian Top Cleric: Imam Hussain (AS) is medium between Prophets (PBUT) and this generation

Hujjatul Islam Ansariyan said that recognizing the personality of Imam Hussain A.S. is necessary for if this connection would be overlook people would not be in contact with sacred prophets.

Hujjatul Islam Hussain Ansariyan  whlie addressing a mourning sitting in Qasim bin Hassan Imambargah said that Imam Husayn had shown by his acts as well as his various discourses during the seven days of Muharram at Karbala, that this conflict was much more universal in nature, and that he knew that he was going to live for ever through his martyrdom.
He said that Yazeed died as uselessly as he lived; only three years after the battle of Karbala took place. While trying to race a baboon, he fell from his horse and broke his neck. As history has recorded, those who were apparent victors at Karbala have disappeared without trace.
He added that While the plain of Karbala was transformed from a deserted piece of barren land into a bustling town, of which, the central monument is Imam Husayn’s glorious tomb. Millions of people visit the tomb in reverence, all the year round, day and night. Imam Husayn’s martyrdom is observed with solemn deference all over the world.