شنبه 6 مرداد 1403

14 August 2023

Pakistani charge d'affaires in Iraq: the shrine of Imam Ali (AS) is the ideal place for the unity of all sects and religions.

The Pakistani charge d'affaires in Iraq, Mr. Iqbal Hussain visited the shrine of the commander of the faithful Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) for the second time.

Mr. Abbas al-Assadi, the official of the Interior Relations received the Pakistani diplomats and gave a brief explanation about Imam Ali Holy Shrine and designs for expansion projects to serve the visitors of the Holy Shrine and the city of Najaf.

After the visit, Mr. Iqbal Hussain said in a statement to the media center of Imam Ali Holy Shrine "We had the honor to visit the shrine of Imam Ali (peace be upon him). We consider sacred sanctity is the perfect place for the unity of Muslims and it is the largest holy place which represents the history of Ahl al-Bait (peace be upon them). This shrine is considered the gate to Islam after Kufa."

"As the workers in the holy place, making great efforts to provide services for visitors and make them feel safe, trust and security in spite of the increasing numbers of visitors each year, we can see the provision of services to provide food and drink for the noble visitors. In addition to other services that provided outside the sanctuary of the Holy Shrine by officials and people of the holy city of Najaf. "