جمعه 7 اردیبهشت 1403

14 August 2023

Hujjat ul Islam Muhammad Sadeq Amer Elahi: Imam Hussain's famous saying, "Humiliation is away from us" has quranic origin.

Hujjat ul Islam Muhammad Sadeq Amer Elahi explained the meaning of saying of Imam Hussain (AS). He said that the origin of this saying of Imam Hussain (AS) is from the holy Quran.

Hujjat ul Islam Muhammad Sadeq Amer Elahi an expert of the holy Quran memorization and Quranic teachings said that "ھیھات منا الذلۃ" is a famous saying of Imam Hussain (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) never supported any task in his life which had any doubts of humiliations in it.

This clergyman added that Imams (AS) are models of holy Quran because they never did anything against the teachings of holy Quran.

The holy Quran says that almighty Allah is the owner and creator of everything in this universe. Almighty Allah can grant anything to anyone and snatch anything from anyone at anytime. When almighty Allah grants someone respect he must protect it. Almighty Allah granted Imam Hussain (AS) with respect and Imam Hussain refused to give allegiance to Yazid because there was humiliation in allegiance of Yazid.

"Humiliation is away from us" is still the slogan of freedom movements in the world.

Hujjat ul Islam Amer Elahi said that this slogan is an energy booster for freedom movements and they even sacrifice their lives for justice and never surrender to anyone.