شنبه 6 مرداد 1403

14 August 2023

An Iranian Seminary Researcher: Angels were also surprised on the extraordinary patience of Lady Zainab (S.A)

Hujjat ul Islam Mustafa Sadooqi said that Lady Zainab (S.A) had expressed extraordinary patience in Karbala.

Hujjat ul Islam Mustafa Sadooqi said that Ahl-e-Bait (A.S) were the example of human perfection and similarly the descendents of Imams were also owner of extraordinary capabilities. Lady Zainab (S.A) was one of them and she has played effective role in promoting the role of Imam Husain (A.S).

He said that if Lady Zainab (S.A) was not present than movement of Karbala was buried in Karbala.

He added that Lady Zainab (S.A) had delivered the message of Imam Husain (A.S) by her sermons.

Hujjat ul Islam Sadooqi said that sermons of Lady Zainab (S.A) were not just model of eloquence rather they fully describe the movement of Karbala.

He, while describing the quality of Lady Zainab (S.A), said that her patience has become an example and angels were also surprised on the extraordinary patience of Lady Zainab (S.A). He said that Lady Zainab (S.A) had faced serious problems in Karbala but she remained patient and said that we face nothing other than good from Allah (SWT).